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RotorBits 60 degree Y connector 2 sided (Green)

Цена: 407,79 ₽
Бонус: 8
Комментариев: 0
Рейтинг поставщика
Нет в наличии
Вес в упаковке: 18 г
  • Just because you may have outgrown your Legos and Erector sets does not mean the fun has to stop. Introducing RotorBits, the modular construction set of endless possibilities. Based on the idea of standardized connections and dimensions, the only limit to what can be built is your imagination.

    RotorBits can be recycled and reused into other creations, mix and matching different bits to make a Y6 or Bi-Rotor! As your collection of Bits grows and concepts evolve with plug & play easy, who knows what you can come up with? Have club competitions for creative ideas or races for fastest box to air builds. RotorBits is one idea that can never be outdated only reconfigured.

    RotorBits 60 degree Y connector 2 sided (Green)

    Size: 69x34mm
    Weight: 14g
    Color: Green

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