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DIY E8 New Ultimate Starter Learning Kit With Python Motor For Raspberry Pi 2

Цена: 6 666,32 ₽
Бонус: 133
Комментариев: 0
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DIY E8 New Ultimate Starter Learning Kit With Python Motor For Raspberry Pi 2
  • Features:

    1. Contains more than 50 different electronic components, including several components.
    2. More experiments can be done without the constraints of hardware and software.
    3. It is the good choice to learn the basics of electronics and Linux programming.

    Package Included:

    1x Triaxial Accelerometer Sensor Module (ADXL345)
    1x DHT-11(Digital Temperature & Humidity Sensor)
    1x Ultrasonic Distance Sensor Module
    1x PIR Movement Sensor
    1x PS2 Joystick Module
    1x LCD1602
    1x Servo
    1x Stepper Motor
    1x Stepper Motor Driver Module (Based on ULN2003A)
    1x ADC0832
    1x L9110 motor driver
    1x DC Motor
    1x 4*4 Matrix Keyboard
    1x Breadboard Power Supply Module
    1x 40 pin GPIO Extension Board
    1x 40 pin GPIO Cable
    2x Light Sensor (Photoresistor)
    2x Analog Temperature Sensor (Thermistor)
    1x Relay
    1x Active Buzzer
    1x Passive Buzzer
    1x 7-Segment Display
    1x 4-bit 7-segment Display
    1x LED Bar Graph Display
    1x Dot-matrix Display
    2x 74HC595
    2x Switch
    1x RGB LED
    8x Red LED
    4x Green LED
    4x Yellow LED
    4x Blue LED
    4x Button (large)
    5x Button (small)
    1x Button cap (red)
    1x Button cap (white)
    2x Button cap (blue)
    16x Resistor (220Ω)
    10x Resistor (1kΩ)
    10x Resistor (10kΩ)
    2x Potentiometer (10KΩ)
    5x Capacitor (104)
    4x Capacitor (10uF)
    2x 1N4148 Diode
    2x 1N4001 Diode
    4x NPN Transistor (8050)
    4x PNP Transistor (8550)
    1x Breadboard
    40x Male to Male Jumper Wires
    20x Male to Female Jumper Wires
    20x Female to Female Jumper Wires
    1x Header (40pin)
    1x Band Resistor Card
    1x Project Box


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